IoT Pill Bottle


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Ideate, define, protoype, deploy

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Mosquitto MQTT, React-JS, Node Js etc.

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Machine Learning, Internet of Things

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IoT Pill Bottle

Project Overview

The solution for the patients, advanced detection of the pills in the bottle which included detection of how many were left so that patient would be able to track when to refill the bottle. The patient would not be able to take more pills than prescribed, the patient starts getting the warning when let's say 25% of the pills in the bottle are left. Also made a memory for offline usage up to 30 days which can send the data recorded when connected to the Internet.

Key Features
About the Client

The client was a US-based vendor, who used to work with various pharmacies, he found with a survey that many old aged people forgets when their medicines would get over or many times they forget how many pills they took in a day, thus he wanted to make a solution that can be useful to mainly the aged and non-aged people as well.

Business Requirements

Create an IoT pill bottle that will works on Bluetooth, detect the pills in the bottle somehow for how many are left, & must-have memory to store data information of the offline usage of the bottle for up to 30 days.


Integrating this on a small pill bottle was the real challenge for us, But our embedded developers managed pretty well to make this project run successfully.

Tech Stack:
Reach us out If you need help with your IOT/AI/ML Startup/Idea !


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